Can I drive while using your products?

“According to traffic laws, there exists a legal presumption of inability to drive in the presence of certain substances. Products containing tobacco substitutes including CBD contain very low quantities of THC (less than 1%). The consumption of such products may, nevertheless, cause the legal blood limit (1.5 micrograms of THC per liter of blood) to be exceeded, in which case the driver will be considered incapable of driving.

“Anyone who drives under the influence of drugs and exceeds that limit (zero tolerance) is considered unfit to drive and is therefore not authorized to drive, regardless of the type of vehicle. It is impossible to determine, in an abstract way, if and when the limit is exceeded following the consumption of such tobacco substitutes.”

Source: “Produits contenant du cannabidiol (CBD),” Federal Office of Public Health (OFSP, Switzerland), published on February 27, 2017

Therefore, Naturalpes advises you not to drive.

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